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直驱伺服马达.比普通机器省70%以上,超大操作空间,采用优良的送布机械,在低张力的 状态下能防止高速时的 跳动 ,大大提高了生产效率 。压脚可提升到15MM。内置绕线器,美观大方,操作简便。低噪音 , 。可适应服装行业薄、中、厚料的缝纫 。
Equipped with direct-drive servo motor. Can save 70% electricity super work space, adopt advanced feeding mechanism, prevent leaping in high-speed at lower tension, upgrading the efficiency. The maximal height for foot lifter is 1 5mm. I nner winder, beautiful appearance. easily operation. Lower noise, without radiation. Suitable for light , medium, heavy of garment sewing.